Representative Cloud Meets With Small Business Leaders in Gonzales County, TX

Washington D.C. – On Tuesday, Congressman Michael Cloud (R-TX) visited Gonzales County, Texas to meet with small businesses leaders and hear about the economic issues they are facing. 

While Texas local business leaders have stayed strong during challenging economic times, they still face high inflation, labor shortages, and supply chain disruptions inflicted by the Biden administration’s policies. Congressman Cloud has been working in Washington to eliminate regulations hurting Texas’s business climate, as well touring small businesses to hear ideas on how we can ease some of the burden from the last two years. 

Rep. Cloud released the following statement: 

“Small businesses and the folks who make them run are the backbone of our economy,” Rep. Cloud said, “and they’ve shown tremendous strength during a difficult environment. Whether it’s high taxes, rising inflation, or unnecessary regulations, Washington has unfortunately made life harder for Main Street America rather than easier. That’s unacceptable. In the days ahead it’s critical that we press forward on cutting spending, easing regulatory burdens, and getting government bureaucracy out of the way so TX-27 can thrive – and I’m committed to that goal.” 

Touring TNW Railway 


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