RELEASE: Rep. Cloud Statement on Today’s Oversight and Accountability Committee Hearing

Mar 20, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Wednesday, Rep. Michael Cloud (R-TX) questioned witnesses in the House Oversight Committee’s ongoing investigation of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden’s corrupt business dealings. The witnesses included two of Hunter Biden’s ex-business partners, Tony Bobulinski and Jason Galanis, both of whom have publicly raised significant ethical concerns about President Biden’s direct involvement in Hunter Biden’s overseas businesses — including leveraging Joe Biden’s position as then Vice-President, despite now President Biden’s dozens of public denials that he was involved or had any knowledge.  

Rep. Cloud focused his questioning on a chart showing three of Hunter Biden’s foreign business ventures: Bohai Harvest RST in China, Burisma in Ukraine, and oligarch Kenes Rakishev of Kazakhstan. Cloud’s chart displays a pattern of Hunter Biden dangling foreign access to Joe Biden to business clients, meetings or phone calls with Joe Biden occurring, Hunter Biden getting paid, and then 10% going to “the big guy” — or Joe Biden, as referred to in Hunter Biden’s text messages. Under questioning from Rep. Cloud, Mr. Bobulinski confirmed Rep. Cloud’s contention that the “big guy” does refer to Joe Biden, and “that’s clearly how they operated,” with respect to the pattern of Hunter selling access.

To date, the hearing was one of the first times the American public has heard directly from Hunter Biden’s ex-business partners in Congress, under oath, about the Bidens’ habit of illicitly selling access through shell companies.

Rep. Cloud released the following statement on the hearing: 

“Joe Biden’s story keeps changing — and it’s changing because he is running from the truth. Remember, we have heard Joe Biden say, time after time, that he had no knowledge of Hunter Biden’s business dealings, that he never had any conversations with Hunter about those dealings, and that he was broadly never involved in Hunter’s dealings either. But now that we’ve seen mountains of evidence with text messages, bank records, and financial statements, Biden and the left have tried to move the goalposts to claim that Joe Biden simply never benefited from Hunter’s business practices.

By any honest measure of the evidence, both Joe Biden’s original denials and his revised claims are false. Over and over, there is a pattern of Hunter offering foreign access to Joe Biden, Hunter getting paid, and then a portion of those funds being channeled to Joe Biden — “the big guy.” This should not be a partisan issue. Leveraging your position as Vice-President to benefit from business dealings with foreign entities, and then concealing it from the American voter, is wrong. If Republicans in Congress truly want to be serious about restoring accountability to Washington D.C., we will vigorously pursue this evidence that directly contradicts President Biden’s public statements – and impose consequences to the extent we are able.

I want to thank the witnesses for coming forward today, and I look forward to continuing our work on this investigation.”

To watch Rep. Cloud’s questioning of the witnesses, click HERE.


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