RELEASE: Rep. Cloud Joins Texas Officials in Packery Channel Completion Ceremony

Apr 05, 2024
Hurricane Harvey Recovery

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Wednesday, Rep. Michael Cloud (R-TX) joined Senator Ted Cruz and local officials participating in a ceremony celebrating the completion of the Packery Channel project – a project that has been years in the making in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

In the years since Hurricane Harvey, the City of Corpus Christi has been seeking assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to help repair damage to the channel incurred during the storm. Rep. Cloud began assisting this effort in 2019, almost a year after he first took office, focusing efforts on helping Corpus Christi navigate communications with FEMA, the US Army Corps of Engineers, NOAA National Marine Fisheries, and more. Ultimately, FEMA obligated $9.2 million to restore the channel and $4.3 million to repair sidewalks in the surrounding area.

Cloud also played a key role during 2022 negotiations over the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA), helping streamline authorization authority for channel repairs between the Army Corps and FEMA, specifically by resolving legislative confusion that had previously existed under something called the “Flood Response Program.” Cloud’s efforts will make sure any future repairs will avoid the same red tape.  

While the ceremony marked a major milestone in the channel’s recovery, the work is not entirely complete from a federal standpoint. Corpus Christi is going through an ongoing appeal after FEMA officials denied a critical $2.6 million of funding for restoration of additional elements, including damaged stormwater drain outfalls. In the fall of 2023, Rep. Cloud led a Texas delegation letter, along with Senator Cruz and Senator Cornyn, advocating for the city of Corpus and supporting their appeal. That effort is ongoing and awaiting a resolution.

Wednesday’s event concludes nearly two years of construction, after Rep. Cloud and Senator Cruz also attended the groundbreaking for the channel in 2022.

Rep. Cloud released the following statement:

“I’m honored to be apart of an important day in Corpus Christi – a day recognizing the revitalization of the Packery Channel Project. This was one of the most important initiatives my team and I began working on when we first got to Congress, helping the community recover from the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and making sure we helped facilitate the crucial federal aid process. While federal assistance can often include burdensome red tape, I want to thank many of the folks who stepped up to the plate and helped make today happen – including Senator Cruz, Senator Cornyn, and the Texas delegation who supported FEMA assistance, as well as officials at the agency level willing to hear us out. The job is not yet done, but we’ve come a long way in helping the Corpus community recover, and I look forward to continuing the work.”


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