Weekly Newsletter: October 1, 2024

Oct 01, 2024

When I travel across Texas’ 27th District, one thing I NEVER hear is that Washington is working just fine. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. That’s why I voted no on yet another short-term funding measure—because it only keeps Washington’s broken status quo alive. This bill does nothing to address the real challenges our country faces.

Instead of bringing about change, it kicks the can down the road and sets us up for more of the same: massive spending bills full of wasted taxpayer money and liberal policies. These bills expand government reach, fund policies that don’t work for the American people, and leave critical issues like border security and election integrity untouched.

We had a real opportunity to pursue responsible solutions. I fought for the SAVE Act, which would have helped protect voter integrity, and for fiscal discipline to rein in runaway spending. But this short-term measure only delays the inevitable—a bloated, trillion-dollar spending spree that continues to advance the Biden-Harris agenda.

It’s time we stop settling for more of the same and start delivering real solutions. Washington needs change, and I’m committed to fighting for it.

The Biden-Harris administration’s use of taxpayer dollars to fly Ukrainian President Zelensky to swing states raises serious concerns about transparency and national interests. Democrats once impeached President Trump over a phone call with Ukraine, yet now we’re seeing an administration essentially using foreign officials to campaign for the vice president. I’ve joined my colleagues in Congress to demand full accountability for the military aircraft, Secret Service, and other resources used for this visit. The American people deserve clear answers, especially as families across the nation struggle with economic challenges.

Following our letter, the House Oversight Committee announced they would investigate Zelensky’s trip. I will keep you updated as we learn more about this investigation.

While the Biden-Harris administration is focused on pushing social agendas and lecturing the world, China is quietly expanding its influence by investing in global infrastructure. This growing threat to our national security and global stability cannot be ignored. As the U.S. loses focus on strategic priorities, China is positioning itself to dominate key global markets and alliances. It’s time we get serious about countering China’s ambitions and protecting our nation’s interests.

Under the failed “leadership” of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, America is not just facing a border crisis—it’s enduring a full-scale threat to public safety. According to ICE, 425,000 convicted criminals, including 13,000 murderers and 15,000 rapists, are now roaming free in our communities. Instead of being deported or kept behind bars, these dangerous individuals are allowed to walk our streets, endangering the lives of innocent Americans.

This crisis is no accident—it’s the direct result of Biden-Harris policies that prioritize open borders over the safety of American citizens. By failing to secure the border, they are putting the lives of every American at risk and neglecting their most fundamental duty: protecting our nation.

On the Alec Lace Show, we discussed some of the most critical issues we face today—from Biden’s reckless spending and terrorist crossing our wide-open borders to the DOJ’s dangerous political targeting and investigations into ActBlue’s shady practices.

Watch the whole interview:

God Bless,

Michael Cloud
Member of Congress

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