Congressman Cloud’s Proposed Amendment Passes Unanimously

Dec 03, 2021
Jobs & Economy

Washington, D.C. 一 Yesterday, Congressman Cloud introduced an amendment to H.R. 4688, the Federal Agency Customer Experience (FACE) Act, to ensure customer satisfaction feedback surveys could be used in federal employee performance reviews.

The amendment was adopted unanimously by the House Committee on Oversight and Reform.

The FACE Act requires the collection of voluntary customer experience surveys to gauge customer satisfaction of the services provided by certain agencies designated by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

The head of each covered agency must submit a report to OMB, who will make this information publicly available on a centralized website. The Government Accountability Office must then submit to Congress a biannual report assessing the data collected.

The FACE Act specifically included language that would prohibit the use of this information in any appraisal of job performance.

While some Democrats expressed concerns about survey feedback penalizing federal employees, Congressman Cloud made a point on how the current bill restricts agencies from using the feedback even for employee performance reviews. He argued that the surveys would not even be useful with this provision included in the bill.

“This is about making our federal government work better on behalf of the American people,” Congressman Cloud said. “Good teams do not want bad performers. My amendment ensures poor performance can be addressed and federal employees can be held accountable if they are not serving the American people well. We don’t need another toothless report. We need to be able to use any data gathered to ensure our Government of the people is working for the people.”

Congressman Cloud’s full hearing remarks are HERE.


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