
No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act

Sep 20, 2024
Votes and Legislation
Bill Passed
how i voted
Voted Yes
what it means for you

This bill makes a state or political subdivision of a state ineligible for any federal funds the jurisdiction intends to use to benefit non-U.S. nationals (i.e., aliens under federal law) who are unlawfully present if the jurisdiction withholds information about citizenship or immigration status or does not cooperate with immigration detainers. Specifically, such funds are denied to any jurisdiction that has a law, policy, or practice that prohibits or restricts any government entity from maintaining, sending, or receiving information regarding the citizenship or immigration status of any individual; exchanging information regarding an individual’s citizenship or immigration status with a federal, state, or local government entity; complying with a valid immigration detainer from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS); or notifying DHS about an individual’s release from custody. The funding restriction does not apply to a law, policy, or practice that only applies to an individual who comes forward as a victim of or a witness to a criminal offense. The bill applies beginning in the fiscal year following its enactment.

Link to bill here.

Recent Positions

H. R.

H. R.

H. R.