
Next Generation Pipelines Research and Development Act

Sep 24, 2024
Votes and Legislation
Bill Passed
how i voted
Voted No
what it means for you

This bill establishes programs for researching, developing, and demonstrating advanced materials and technologies applicable to pipelines and associated infrastructure, such as liquefied natural gas facilities and liquid fuel storage facilities. The Department of Energy (DOE) must establish a five-year initiative under which DOE awards financial assistance for carrying out demonstration projects—on low- to mid-technology readiness level subjects—to achieve deployment of technologies that (1) are applicable to pipelines and associated infrastructure; and (2) involve the development of next generation pipeline systems, components, and related technologies. DOE must select projects that (1) best advance research undertaken by DOE and the Department of Transportation (DOT), and (2) incorporate a range of technology focus areas. In consultation with DOT and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), DOE must establish a joint research and development program concerning advanced and innovative materials and technologies for pipeline transportation systems. DOE must enter into or update an existing memorandum of understanding with DOT and NIST to administer the joint program. DOE must also establish a National Pipeline Modernization Center, which must focus on collaborating with industry and stakeholders to coordinate and carry out research, development, and demonstration projects related to commercializing cost-effective products and procedures aligned with the goals and priorities set forth by DOE. Additionally, NIST must carry out a program of measurement research, development, demonstration, and standardization to (1) ensure the integrity of pipeline facilities; and (2) support pipeline safety, security, efficiency, sustainability, and resilience.

Link to bill here.

Recent Positions

H. R.

H. R.

H. R.