
Increasing Baseline Updates Act

Dec 11, 2024
Votes and Legislation
Bill Passed
how i voted
Voted Yes
what it means for you

This bill requires the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to submit to Congress at least two updates to its annual baseline. At least one of the updates must include the economic data used by CBO to calculate the update.

(A baseline is a projection of federal spending and receipts during a fiscal year under current law. Under current law, CBO is required to publish the baseline by February 15 of each year. While there is no statutory requirement for specific updates, CBO generally provides an update with its analysis of the President’s annual budget request. It has also provided some updates during the summer, depending on the timing of the President’s budget request.)

The bill also requires the President to submit technical budget data to Congress on or before February 1 of each year. Currently, federal agencies provide the data to Congress as part of the President’s budget request.

Link to bill here.

Recent Positions

H. R.

H. R.

H. R.