
Improving Federal Building Security Act of 2024

Dec 10, 2024
Votes and Legislation
Bill Passed
how i voted
Voted Yes
what it means for you

This bill requires Facility Security Committees to respond to security recommendations issued by the Federal Protective Service (FPS) regarding facility security.

A Facility Security Committee is a committee that (1) consists of representatives of all federal tenants in a specific nonmilitary facility, the security organization for the facility, and the owning or leasing federal tenant; and (2) is responsible for addressing facility-specific security issues and approving the implementation of security measures and practices in the facility.

Not later than 90 days after the FPS issues a security recommendation to a Facility Security Committee, that committee must (1) respond to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) indicating if the committee intends to adopt or reject the recommendation; and (2) provide DHS with a justification, if it intends to reject the recommendation, for accepting the risk posed by that rejection.

DHS must (1) develop a procedure to monitor the recommendations and responses and take reasonable action to ensure Facility Security Committee response, and (2) report to Congress 270 days after this bill’s enactment and annually thereafter regarding such recommendations and responses and this procedure.

Link to bill here.

Recent Positions

H. R.

H. R.

H. R.