
COCOA Act of 2024

Sep 25, 2024
Votes and Legislation
Bill Passed
how i voted
Voted Yes
what it means for you

This bill provides statutory authority for designated congressional election observers. Designated congressional election observer refers to an employee of the House of Representatives who is designated in writing by the chair or ranking minority member of the Committee on House Administration to gather information with respect to an election, including in the event that the election is contested in the House and for other purposes permitted by Article I, Section 5, clause 1 and Article I, Section 4, clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution. The bill requires states to provide designated congressional election observers with full access to clearly observe all elements of administration procedures of federal elections, including access to any area in which a ballot is cast, processed, scanned, tabulated, canvassed, recounted, audited, or certified, including during pre- and post-election procedures. The bill prohibits such an observer from handling ballots or election equipment, advocating for a position or candidate, taking any action to reduce ballot secrecy or voter privacy, taking any action to interfere with the ability of a voter to cast a ballot or an election administrator to carry out the administrator’s duties, or otherwise interfering with the election administration process. The bill specifies the conduct for which designated congressional election observers may be removed by election officials. In the event of removal, the election official must provide written notice to the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on House Administration.

Link to bill here.

Recent Positions

Sep 25, 2024
Votes and Legislation

Keeping Violent Offenders Off Our Streets Act


Bill Passed

how i voted

Voted Yes

what it means for you

To amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit fraud in connection with posting bail.

Link to bill here.

Sep 25, 2024
Votes and Legislation

Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2025


Bill Passed

how i voted

Voted No

what it means for you

This bill provides continuing FY2025 appropriations for federal agencies, provides additional funding for the U.S. Secret Service, and extends various expiring programs and authorities.
Specifically, the bill provides continuing FY2025 appropriations to federal agencies through the earlier of December 20, 2024, or the enactment of the applicable appropriations act. It is known as a continuing resolution (CR) and prevents a government shutdown that would otherwise occur if the FY2025 appropriations bills have not been enacted when FY2025 begins on October 1, 2024. The CR funds most programs and activities at the FY2024 levels with several exceptions that provide funding flexibility and additional appropriations for various programs. For example, the bill provides additional funding for the Secret Service to carry out protective operations, including for the 2024 presidential campaign and National Special Security Events. In addition, the bill extends several expiring programs and authorities, including several public health programs, various programs and authorities related to veterans, the National Flood Insurance Program, the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, the Food for Peace program, the authorities of the U.S. Parole Commission, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) National Cybersecurity Protection System, authorities for DHS and the Department of Justice to take certain actions to mitigate a credible threat from an unmanned aircraft system, several Department of Agriculture programs and authorities, the Department of Defense’s authority to use funds for certain military construction projects, and authorities for sanctions related to human rights abuses in Hong Kong.

Link to bill here.

Sep 25, 2024
Votes and Legislation



Bill Passed

how i voted

Voted Yes

what it means for you

This bill requires the President to impose visa- and property-blocking sanctions on any member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee whom the President determines plays a significant role in developing or implementing policies that (1) violate the autonomy of Hong Kong; (2) harass or intimidate the people of Taiwan; or (3) contribute to the oppression of individuals or groups in China, including Uyghur Muslims. The President must also impose sanctions on the adult family members of such sanctioned persons. The President may waive the sanctions for renewable periods of up to 60 days by certifying to Congress that the waiver is vital to U.S. national security interests. The President may terminate any sanctions imposed after certifying to Congress that China’s government and the CCP have ceased the genocide of the Uyghur Muslim population; all threats, military exercises, and aggression toward Taiwan;
undermining the autonomy of Hong Kong; and any efforts to steal the intellectual property of U.S. persons. The President may also terminate sanctions after certifying to Congress that the sanctioned person has renounced membership in the CCP and taken steps to denounce or remediate the conduct for which sanctions were imposed. Any certifications related to termination of sanctions must also be publicly available on a federal government website.

Link to bill here.